Like scheduled the new breeding values were published 2024 December 3rd. The breeding value base was adjusted accordingly. For the first time results for the Holstein Haplotyp 7 (HH7) will be reported.
Like scheduled the new breeding values were published 2024 August 13th. The breeding value base was adjusted accordingly.
Like scheduled the new breeding values were published 2024 April 3th. Like with every April run the base for breeding values was updated. For the first time the new breeding value feed efficiency (RZFeedEfficiency, RZFE) is published.
On 9th August results from genetic evaluation August 2022 for dairy breeds were published.
With the weekly genomic evaluation of August 29th, the threshold of 1,000,000 genotyped female Holsteins across 2,159 German dairy herds within the herd genotyping program was crossed.
On 9th August results from genetic evaluation August 2022 for dairy breeds were published.
Like scheduled the new breeding values for dairy breeds were published 2023 April 4th. Beside the yearly shift of base (for impact see below “News from dairy evaluation”) for the first-time breeding values are published for persistency (the RZPersistenz) and 3 new linear conformation traits (Rib Structure, Front Feet Orientation, Udder Balance).
The genetic evaluation systems of vit were successfully re-certified by ICAR for the next 5 years. Once again, the high standard of genetic evaluations carried out by vit in internal comparison were confirmed by a neutral body. The vit genetic evaluation systems are certified by ISO9001-2015, too.
With the April 2021 publication the total merit index RZG for Holstein will undergo major changes. Compared to version official since 2008 the list of included traits is expanded by direct health traits and young stock survival. Furthermore, the weighting within the subindices is modified. Learn more about the new weighting and the impact on bulls here.
The largest international dairy data partnership, bringing together milk recording organizations and national databases across thirteen countries representing approximately 200,000 dairy herds, 20 million dairy cows in total and 13 million milk recorded dairy cows, was launched in November 2020. The International Dairy Data Exchange (iDDEN) is aimed at streamlining data exchange between dairy herds, milk recording organizations and dairy equipment manufacturers as well as other dairy related organizations.
With the publication of breeding values for dairy breeds on August 11th 2020 a new totoal merit index - additional to the RZG - will be published.
On Tuesday August 13th 2019 results from the August evaluation run for dairy breeds were published. For the first time breeding values for young stock survival, the RZKälberfit (RZcalfhealth), were published. More information on RZKälberfit is found here. Toplists for females on behalf of BRS will be published Thursday 15th.
Als erste Organisation weltweit überhaupt ist vit seit dem 16. Januar 2018 von ICAR zertifizierte Stelle für die Abstammungsüberprüfung auf Basis von SNP-Typisierungen.